Melton Waves’ goodbye to longtime employee

Monica Martin

Monica Martin has hosted countless birthday parties, attended by hundreds of Melton kids, over the past 20 years.

The long-serving early childhood worker, who has been a stalwart of Melton Waves Leisure Centre, retired last Monday.

Staff held a surprise send-off at the centre and shared some of their favourite stories about working with Ms Martin.

“I started when they opened the new pool, just over 20 years ago,” Ms Martin said.

“I started in the cafe, but I knew that working with children was where I should be.”

Ms Martin’s roles over the years have included dressing up, being both a birthday party hostess and creche co-ordinator, fronting the cafe and story times, running an aqua playgroup and kinder, music and movement classes, and doing face painting.

She was voted staff member of the year in her first year.

“I’ve made friendships that will be ongoing,” Ms Martin says proudly.

“I feel that children are of such value and they are so important. When a child enjoys their time with you, that’s all you need to feel like you’ve done your job well. I will take many memories with me.

“I leave a very happy person.”

Creche co-ordinator Jenny Macrae says Ms Martin has left a lasting impression.

“She had a go at everything, she’s clever and artsy.

“And she’s got a wicked sense of humour. We will miss her.”