Umpires on trip of lifetime

A group of Riddell umpires will play an important role in the United States’ AFL national championships in Texas this weekend.

The 16-strong group from the Riddell umpires’ association caught a flight to America last Thursday to help officiate in the two-day USAFL national titles.

Umpires’ coach Michael O’Keeffe said it was a great opportunity for the group.

“There’s not a lot of chances for umpires to do this,” he said. “One or two umpires may be sent to Ireland occasionally but never a group this big going overseas to help umpire a tournament.”

O’Keefe said the chance came about after last year’s AFL International Cup when the Riddell District Football Netball League hosted the Indonesia versus France game at Diggers Rest.

“The head of umpiring from America was out with their team,” O’Keeffe said. “They only have about 100 umpires in the country

– we have 10,000 in Victoria so we raised the idea of getting a group of umpires over to America to help train their umpires and help with the matches’ umpiring.

“The tournament will now have a full panel of umpires whereas they usually have to umpire themselves.”

As well as helping in the tournament, the Riddell umpires will run a training day with their American counterparts.

O’Keeffe says the group, which includes boundary, field and goal umpires, is excited about the trip, which includes some time in Los Angles before the championships start.

“For some, it’s their first trip overseas,” he said. “We’ve been able to subsidise it with fundraising and support from the AFL, AFL Goldfields and RDFNL.”

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