Call to band together over Moorabool rates pain

A meeting between Moorabool’s rural advisory committee and councillors was the first step towards easing rates pain, according to Balliang East farmer Chris Sharkey.

“Agriculture is the biggest contributor to our local economy, but you can’t have an industry that contributes so much yet isn’t listened to when it’s struggling,” he said.

Mr Sharkey said the council had been receptive to concerns about rate increases. He emphasised that farmers weren’t looking to subsidise their rates by pushing costs on to residential ratepayers.

“There’s no need to argue. We need to band together and tell the state government this can’t go on,” he said.

Mayor Paul Tatchell said the rural advisory committee presented good arguments at the February 19 meeting.

“We can’t have a one-size-fits-all approach, and the formula that values land on best-use is flawed,” he said.

“It’s easy to say, ‘Just ignore it [agriculture]’, but once that land doesn’t bear produce, how do we employ our people and keep Moorabool’s economy?”

Cr Tonia Dudzik urged the state government to fund a farmer relief rebate.

“If farmers’ rates go down, residential rates go up,” she said. “There has to be another way. I get people knocking on my door saying they can’t pay their rates … it affects everyone.”

The council released a draft rate strategy on February 19.

The council is reviewing the strategy, which isn’t due to expire until next year, to consider if “current differential rate structures facilitate a fair and equitable distribution of rates and charges”.

Resident Margaret Scarff recently established a Bacchus Marsh ‘‘community participation’’ group on Facebook to monitor local issues such as rates.

“[The group will] discuss, for example, the suggestion there could be instalments offered on your rates,’’ she said.

‘‘That won’t help when you’re already stretched to make ends meet, and there’s still money taken from the little you’ve got.”
