St Dominics boys’ cool cart a vehicle for generosity

For most children, the thought of giving away a billy cart they have only just made wouldn’t cross their minds.

But that’s exactly what St Dominics Primary School pupils Brodie, Peter and Deng have done – bringing joy to less-fortunate children in the process.

The grade 5 and 6 boys made the cart as part of a school program designed to improve reading and literacy.

The process included watching videos and reading instruction manuals on how to put the billy cart together.

Peter says the trio decided to raffle the cart at school, with the $160 used to buy presents to put under Kmart Melton’s wishing tree.

“We decided to have a lolly jar and got everyone [at the school] to pay to make guesses on how many lollies were in the jar,” he said. “Whoever was the closest got the billy cart and the second-closest got the lollies.”