Melton council smoothes path for people with disability

A new strategy designed to ensure that people with disabilities have more choice and control over their lives has been launched by Melton council.

Mayor Bob Turner was joined by members of the disability advisory committee, Merrimu Services, Mambourin Choir and Melton Specialist School last Thursday to launch the plan, which will guide council decision-making for the next four years.

An estimated 4750 residents in Melton have disabilities causing profound or severe restriction of communication, mobility and/or self-care.

A further 8850 residents have disabilities that limit employment or educational opportunities. The plan was completed after extensive public consultation.

“People with a disability, their families and carers told us what is important to them and this plan reflects their needs, goals and aspirations,” Cr Turner said.

The plan identifies areas the council will work to improve: quality of services, information, employment and further education, infrastructure and transport.

The council will seek to join disability, mental health, early childhood intervention and carer organisations to deliver better services across the municipality.

Cr Kathy Majdlik said as the mother of a child with a disability, the launch of the plan gave her hope. “It is a great way to show that people with a disability are important in the community.’’

Cr Majdlik, who is chairwoman of the disability advisory committee, said the response to the plan was the most positive she had seen. “People were telling us they want to live, work and socialise the same way as everyone else.”

The council also plans to develop more volunteer programs, establish a Men’s Shed at Morton Homestead in Taylors Hill and advocate to governments for specialist health services, programs and funding.