Melton residents answer call to spread the cheer

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Melton. The council and residents are spreading the Christmas spirit and getting involved in the season of giving.

John Southall, of Lynda’s Hampers, says the volunteer group is amazed by the support it’s received this year.

The group put 60 hampers together two weeks ago, and the council has since indicated it’s interested in providing money so more hampers can be made up.

“We’ve had one person donate $1500 to help buy products to go into the hamper,” Mr Southall said.

He said 28 volunteers helped put together the 60 hampers, which included toys, food and toiletries.

“The mayor [Cr Bob Turner] and Cr Sophie Ramsey were here … it was about the community getting together to help others.’’

Mr Southall said he was pleased to see the council spreading more Christmas cheer with its street decorations.

“Residents have fought to get more decorations and this year the streets are looking really good.”

The council’s economic development and advocacy manager, Michael Tudball, said $15,000 had been spent on decorations in each of the past two years. In 2011, $7500 was spent.

“The pole toppers that lined High Street in 2012 were chosen as they were considered low risk in regards to vandalism,’’ Mr Tudball said.

He said there was no vandalism to the decorations in 2012 and the council had expanded the Christmas decorations program this year with additional pole toppers in Melton township and Caroline Springs Boulevard.

“There are also Christmas banners lining the Western Highway, High Street in Melton and Caroline Springs Boulevard.”