Animal rescuer’s Christmas wish, Forever After

Brittany and Dean Cheeseman, of Forever After Animal Rescue in Parwan, hope a local veterinarian can help them fulfill their mission of caring for abused animals.

Since opening earlier this year, the farm has been home to five horses, seven lambs, pigs, piglets and countless chickens, ducklings and kittens.

Brittany, who runs the rescue service with her parents, says her aim is to give every animal in her care a sense of freedom.

“An animal may be good for a meat market or just money to some, but they deserve to be treated with dignity.”

With running costs high, often running into hundreds of dollars a week, Brittany’s hoping a generous vet might be willing to provide discounted treatments.

“Together, we can give them the ‘forever after’ they may not otherwise get.”

Details: 0434 512 399.