Moorabool residents have welcomed plans to improve problem roads and intersections.
The council has nominated six projects to share in $1 million of funding from the state government’s country roads and bridges program.
Works at Darley will include the reconstruction of Halletts Way and intersection improvements at Lerderderg Gorge Road.
Bacchus Marsh resident and former mayor Pat Griffin said the Lerderderg Gorge Road intersection was one of Moorabool’s most dangerous traffic points.
“There’s always lots of school buses up and down and just general traffic there, so fixing that up will be really worthwhile,” he said.
“Roads are the biggest expense that the shire has and it sounds like they’re using the money the right way.”
Transport Minister Terry Mulder’s spokeswoman said councils were best placed to choose where money was spent.
“It’s very much their decision where repairs are needed,” she said. “Often rural councils have big geographical areas but shrinking rates because people start moving towards the city, so the funds are needed.”
Lerderderg Street resident and Avenue of Honour campaigner Damien Strangio said he welcomed asphalt works for Bacchus Marsh and works on Clarinda Street.
“My biggest concern remains, however – and that’s the local traffic issues,’’ he said. ‘‘I’m hoping these reconstruction works for Halletts Way will lead towards a full extension.”
Other works include kerb replacement on Masons Lane, Bacchus Marsh; shoulder widening on Old Melbourne Road, Millbrook; and gravel resheeting on Doyles Road, Elaine.
Cr Allan Comrie said the works were much needed.
“They’re all the trouble areas, so the right spots have been picked,” he said.
Timeframes for the projects are yet to be decided.