Buy Nothing New Month: Say bye, bye to buy, buy

Melton’s Karen Ellis wants you to curb your shopping habits to help save our environment.

Ms Ellis, a member of sustainable living promoters the Melton Bowerbirds, is supporting October’s ‘Buy Nothing New’ Month. She’s encouraging people interested in ‘upcycling’ – the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new goods – to join the cause.

“I started the group to bring like-minded people together to share and inspire each other to keep ‘upcycling’,” she says.

Ms Ellis makes a lot of her clothes from worn-out fabric or secondhand clothes.

“You could have jumpers, skirts or dresses that are worn and holey and bring two or three items together to make one unique garment,” she says.

‘Buy Nothing New’ Month challenges people to ask themselves, do I really need it?. And Ms Ellis is up for the challenge.

“In restaurants we eat from secondhand cutlery, in hotels we sleep on sheets and use towels someone else has used,’’ she says.

“So I encourage people to buy nothing new this month. If they really need an item, see if it can be bought secondhand. ’

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