Fine over failure to control pest

A MYRNIONG company has been fined $500 and placed on a six-month good behaviour bond for failing to control rabbits on its property.

Company officials pleaded guilty in the Bacchus Marsh Magistrates Court to charges of failing to comply with a land management notice issued by the Department of Primary Industries.

DPI biosecurity officer Nigel Roberts said the property was in an area covered by a rabbit control program. He said several landowners had been issued legal notices requiring them to carry out compliance work.

“Landowners have a legal responsibility to manage pest plants and animals on their properties to ensure they don’t adversely affect agricultural production on neighbouring farms or impact on the natural environment.

“Landowners who failed to meet the requirements of land management notices will be prosecuted under the Catchment and Land Protection Act.”

The court heard while there were some signs of rabbit control on some of the property’s entrances, the requirements of the management notice had not been met.

Mr Roberts said the DPI was supporting community action, spearheaded by the Pentland Hills Landcare Group, by implementing a rabbit control program in the area.

“The magistrate informed company officials that although the rabbit control had since been completed, the company needed to do the works within the time frame set out in the legal notice in order to support the co-ordinated efforts of other landholders.

“The Myrniong community’s response and efforts to control rabbits had been impressive, but the inaction of some landholders could jeopardise the overall success of the project.”