Name change to City of Melton

I noticed advice of Melton Shire name change on page 5 of your paper (September 12). We are now officially City of Melton. Apparently only 1109 people were polled in a survey re the name change last year. May I ask, were all those ’polled’ residents of Melton? I was somewhat surprised that Melton was ’awarded’ City status last week. Perhaps our council could have sent out a’flyer’ with our rates notices, to form a more balanced number of Melton residents approving this change. Anything else of importance coming up we should hear of? I am still living in a democracy I hope. Next question is the cost of changing the name on every piece of council paraphenalia. Remember councillors, you are there to represent us, the residents. 

Madeleine Connor, Melton West