Hope on 35 Melton budget requests

RESIDENTS are hoping their submissions to Melton council’s 2013-14 draft budget won’t fall on deaf ears.

The council received 35 written submissions ahead of a hearing at Melton civic centre from 7pm today.

Last year the council received 31 submissions,  including one that had the support of 143 residents.

Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents Association president Nathan Miles said the group had put in 12 submissions this year because of the proposed 4 per cent rate increase and a range of funding cuts.

“The majority of our submissions are to do with cuts to services such as the footpath replacement program, the playgroup replacement program and roadworks funding,” he said.

“We didn’t put in any submissions last year because it was a more fair and equitable budget, but this year we feel it has really discriminated against the eastern corridor, which is where the majority of rates come from.”

Mr Miles hoped the service cuts would be restored immediately.

Council chief executive Kelvin Tori said most submissions related to requests for extra funding for recreation-related projects.