Residents’ group anger over card swipe change

A RESIDENTS group has accused Melton council of purposely denying it access to a council building in the aftermath of budget submissions.

Cambridge, Coburn and Watts Residents’ Association (CCWRA) president Nathan Miles said the group cancelled last week’s meeting because the council refused to hand over a keycard to a meeting room at the Caroline Springs library without pre-payment.

“When booking rooms for our meetings, the procedure has always been that the CCWRA picks up the swipe card that allows access to the meeting room on the evening of the meeting and pays after the meeting has occurred,” Mr Miles said. 

He said this had been the process since the group’s inception in 2011.

“Melton council changed this policy without any written or verbal notice,” he said.

‘‘CCWRA became aware of this on the day of the scheduled meeting when council demanded the secretary attend the Melton Civic Centre before 5pm to pay for the room hire in advance and collect the swipe card. 

“As the secretary works full time, this was impossible to do.”

Mr Miles claimed it was ‘‘suspicious’’ behaviour, given that the night before he and the association secretary presented 12 submissions critical of the council’s draft budget.

Council leisure and facilities manager Adrian Burns said the CCWRA was never denied access.

“As the meeting was due to finish outside of library opening hours, the representative from that group was advised that a member would be required to collect the access card to lock the building at the conclusion of their meeting,” he said.

“This booking was later cancelled by the group. Council’s policy for casual hirers is that payment must be made in advance to any booking times.” 

Mr Miles said future meetings would be held at another venue.