Police step in at Melton council meeting

A man was dragged out of last week’s council meeting by police and
another ejected after a fiery row during public question time.

About 15 police officers and four security guards assembled at the
council chamber before the meeting began after a social-media campaign
urged frustrated ratepayers to “occupy Melton council”.

After 40 minutes, a man began a heated exchange with council officers.

The man interrupted proceedings and asked: “Who’s paying for the police force tonight? I’d like to know.”

Mayor Kathy Majdlik asked the man to be quiet three times before he was removed by two police officers.

Inspector Stephen Mutton said the man was taken to Melton police station for questioning.

“We had to remove two people from the meeting, our investigations are ongoing,” he said.

“The chairwoman requested us to remove those people, so we did.
One was released straight away, one was taken back to police station.”

A sign on the door of the council chamber said: “Any items of disguise are not to be carried or worn in the council meeting.”

Some residents wore Guy Fawkes masks at the July meeting. Guy
Fawkes was a member of a group who attempted to blow up the English
Parliament and kill the king of England in 1605.

It’s understood this particular group of residents, responsible
for disruptions at most of the meetings held this year, believes local
government is unconstitutional and should not be able to impose rates or
local laws. It also claims the Commonwealth of Australia is a
corporation registered in the US.

Council chief executive Kel Tori said it was disappointing that
some residents continued to demonstrate a lack of respect for the
council and community.

“Their behaviour impinges on the rights of other people in the
gallery, who come with the purpose to listen to the deliberations of the
members elected by the community,” he said. 

“Council is steadfastly
focused on returning the council chamber to orderly conduct.”