Smart aged-care system wins for Moorabool

A smartphone-based aged-care rostering system rolled out by Moorabool council has been recognised with an industry award.

The application, used by the council’s home and community care
(HACC) staff, includes electronic rosters, job verification and alerts
and replaces a former paper-based system.

Moorabool is the first council in Australia to implement the
system and last month received the award for project of the year at the
Local Government Information and Communications Technology Group Awards.

Council chief executive Rob Croxford commended staff who worked on
the project and said he was pleased to see their hard work rewarded.

“[It’s] enabled HACC staff to better manage staff resources and
provide a more responsive and timely service to their clients,” Mr
Croxford said.

He said the system had also significantly reduced paper printing.

Workers can now view their weekly roster and job locations, and
clients can electronically sign off on work via scanning of a
client-specific quick-response code.