Aboriginal flag to fly daily at Moorabool council offices

Moorabool council has moved to bring indigenous affairs into the mainstream.

Last week, the council formally adopted a “statement of commitment to indigenous people”, with mayor Paul Tatchell saying the new policy would guide councillors and outline measures that would properly acknowledge past and present indigenous people and their culture.

Measures include referring to traditional owners at the start of council-organised public meetings and events, and extending the current practice of flying the Aboriginal flag on special occasions to flying it permanently.

The policy came into effect this week, with the Aboriginal flag flying alongside the Australian, Victorian and Moorabool flags at council offices at Darley and Ballan.

“The Aboriginal flag, clearly visible, is an important symbol of inclusion and reconciliation,” Cr Tatchell said.

The decision to adopt the policy was not without debate from councillors, although Cr Tonia Dudzik said she didn’t think controversy was appropriate.

“It is the right thing to do,” Cr Dudzik said. “Indigenous people deserve recognition in our community.”

Cr Tom Sullivan said it was like having Christmas every day, and it would no longer make the recognition special.