Melton website has job search wrapped up

Many Melton residents are making the most of a jobs website aimed at helping local people find employment.

Almost 400 people accessed the Workers Re-training and Adjustment Program (WRAP) in the month to February 20.

“More than half of these jobseekers visited the website more than once,”

council’s economic development and advocacy manager, Michael Tudball, said.

Also providing information and access to services, WRAP was set up by the council last December with the help of local employment networks and a $10,000 federal government grant.

“A local jobs portal, the Melton Jobs Hub, was added to the WRAP website in January,’’ Mr Tudball said.

“There are 30 jobseekers registered with the portal to have access to nearly 150 local jobs. In addition, a new free service, Job Lab @ Melton Library, has been set up for people who need assistance with their job search.”
