Diggers Rest split over joining Sunbury shire

The Diggers Rest community remains divided about the possibility of the town being included in a new Sunbury municipality.

Diggers Rest resident Alex Jinks has attended several listening posts about the “Sunbury out of Hume” issue, including one in Diggers Rest on April 4.

He is among those who believe the town would be a logical inclusion for the new shire.

Diggers Rest is presently split between the municipalities of Melton and Hume.

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‘‘We’re not service-rich here, and Melton has looked after our town, but that’s history,” Mr Jinks said.

An eight-member community consultative committee was appointed in March to help the state government develop Sunbury as a new local government municipality.

In a submission to the panel, the Melton council vowed to fight against any plans to include all of Diggers Rest in the new municipality.

Melton chief executive Kel Tori sought to hose down speculation that the panel may recommend that all of Diggers Rest should form part of a Sunbury shire.

“There has been no consultation to date and certainly no plebiscite conducted of residents of Melton,’’ he said.

‘‘The council believes it would be most inappropriate for any recommendation from the panel to in any way impinge upon the current arrangements within the City of Melton.”

Diggers Rest resident Christine Finlay feared her rates could increase if her property was included in the new municipality.

“We don’t want to be pushed into a new municipality that can’t provide adequate service,” she said.

But fellow resident Paul Tyquin said Sunbury’s proximity to Diggers Rest made it more appealing.

“The bus, train, shopping centre and pool are all five minutes up the road, whereas Melton is 20 minutes away,” Mr Tyquin said.

“Melton council has never really looked after its outer-fringe suburbs like Diggers Rest.” Resident Lynette Stanye said the entire consultation process had been “a bit confusing”.

“It could’ve been managed better, because I think the people of Diggers Rest weren’t aware of the ramifications,” she said.

“The listening post was run at 4pm, a time most people weren’t able to attend.”

Mr Jinks believes Sunbury’s secession is inevitable.

“People are getting out of shape over the emotional aspects, but the reality is Sunbury will stand alone.’’

Local Government Minister Tim Bull will decide on the matter in July.