Fatality pledges a sign of safety on Melton roads

As usual, police will be out in force during the Christmas break.

Melton motorists are being urged to make a pledge to make roads safer as part of Fatality- Free Friday.

The Australian Road Safety Foundation’s largest community-based road safety campaign is aimed at reducing road fatalities.

Inspector Stephen Mutton says the initiative is a great way to make people aware of the importance of road safety.

“We have to keep chipping away that the message is really important, particularly after a number of fatalities late last year,” Inspector Mutton said.

“Serious injuries from collisions are still up in Melton, which is a real concern.”

Cr Sophie Ramsey said people should not just make a pledge this Friday but every time they drive.

“I think when people take a pledge it will make them take their foot off the accelerator and wipe off five,” Cr Ramsey said.

“We need to raise the awareness, make people more alert and get the message out there.”

Last year, the City of Melton, with 186 signatures, led the number of pledges nation- wide.

Cr Ramsey is hoping to double the figure this year.

“In a growth corridor, we have some horrific intersections and we need to draw this to people’s attention and hopefully people will start to take note,” she said.

“I think that when people take a pledge, they are more committed to the cause.”

Mayor Bob Turner said the council was determined to improve road safety throughout the community through its Road 2 Zero strategy.

“Road trauma has a devastating and long-lasting effect on individuals, families and communities,” he said. “That’s why it is so important to be mindful of our responsibilities on the road and make good choices for ourselves and others who share our roadways.”

In the lead-up to Fatality-Free Friday, the council will invite residents to make the pledge on Wednesday. The event will be held from noon-2pm at the Courthouse Amphitheatre, High Street, Melton, behind the Visitor Information Centre.

Leading up to the day, pledges can be made at www.fatalityfreefriday.com/localgovernments