Girls with Attitude program back in Melton

By Natalie Gallenti-Brekalo

A five-week program aimed at building self-awareness and self-esteem among young women began this week.

The Girls with Attitude program, an initiative of Melton City Council, was run successfully last November and there are already plans to continue it into next year.

The council’s manager of family youth and housing, Matthew Wilson, said it was hoped the program would deliver positive strategies for girls dealing with conflict and emotions. It would look at developing communication skills, assertiveness, strategies for getting past anger and self-image and relationship building.

“Provision of programs and opportunities such as this are of great benefit to supporting girls in Melton,” Mr Wilson said.

A parents’ forum will be held at the end of the program to give parents a closer look at what the girls have learnt and how to help support them in implementing the strategies at home, school and in the community.

Kassie, 22, took part in the program last
year. She said it was a great way to learn more about herself and different techniques to deal with anger.

The Melton resident said she believed the biggest problem facing young women today was the lack of communication in relationships and the role social media plays in those relationships.

“On social media and Facebook people often misinterpret what is being said.”

Mikayla, 17, a student at Staughton College, said she joined the program to build confidence, deal with anger issues and make new friends.

“At the end I wasn’t yelling at others as much and was able to calm down more,” she said.

“It helps girls realise that you don’t have to be like someone else; you can be unique.”