Melton resident’s life lesson drives safety message

George Greaves has a clear message for young motorists: one bad decision could cost you your life.

The Melton resident has lived through the devastation of losing a loved one to road trauma and says it is something you never learn to live with.

In 1995, Mr Greaves’ younger brother Craig was killed in a car accident in which he was the driver. Speed and alcohol were involved.

Almost two decades on, Mr Greaves has become a spokesman for safe driving, talking to youngsters and their families at schools and forums across Melbourne in the hope something positive will come from his brother’s death.

Tomorrow night Mr Greaves will be guest speaker at a Road Safety Forum in Melton. His strongest message to drivers will be to make the right choice

every time they get into a car because, ultimately, their decision will not only affect them.

“Road trauma affects lots of people in lots of different ways,” Mr Greaves said. “My parents lost a son; they were too young to lose a son, my grandparents were too young to lose a grandchild. It [road trauma] affects everyone, aunts, uncles, family and friends. We were all too young to lose him.

“People have choices, we can choose to do the right thing on the road or we can choose to do the wrong thing.”

Melton’s Inspector Stephen Mutton said the forum was about showing young drivers, particularly those who are newly licensed, that road safety is critical.

Six free driving lessons will be given away during the night.

The Road Safety Forum is from 7-9pm, Wednesday, May 7 at the Melton library, 31 McKenzie Street, Melton.