Call for council to make Caroline Springs intersection safer

A Caroline Springs resident is calling on Melton council to install traffic devices to make a residential street safer.

Carl Cuzzupe said hoons travelling along Cofton Street and Lightwood Green often cut corners so sharply that they end up on his footpath. Mr Cuzzupe said the lives of children and other pedestrians are being put at risk and he is urging the council to install bollards to minimise the risk of a serious accident.

“People fly around the corner,” he said.

“All I’m asking for are some sort of bollards to be placed in the area to protect the children.”


The worried father said after he made a complaint to the council a worker inspected the area late last month and said it was safe, however Mr Cuzzupe said this isn’t good enough.

“They’re giving me this answer, but if something happens to my daughter it will be on their head.

“It’s just not on, enough is enough.”

Council’s engineering services manager Les Stokes said officers have inspected the intersection and found it to be a minor issue of vehicles cutting the corner due to the narrow streets.

Mr Stokes said it was not deemed as a safety issue to pedestrians or other road users.

“Bollards are very rarely installed in residential streets and would only be installed where there is a history of vehicles losing control and leaving the road and all other possible engineering treatments have not rectified the issue,” Mr Stokes said.