Eynesbury firefighter Andrew Ingram gets the call

Eynesbury firefighter Andrew Ingram is one of 20 hand-picked CFA members taking part in a new and unique leadership program.

The year-long program was developed by CFA Chief Officer Euan Ferguson to develop confidence and leadership skills in current and potential leaders across the organisation.

As part of the program, Mr Ingram has travelled around Victoria attending intensive weekend study sessions of reflection and discussion to promote self-development and leadership.

Mr Ingram described his participation as a chance to give back to the Eynesbury brigade, which formed as a new CFA brigade in 2012.

“Eynesbury is my first experience of CFA and we’re such a new brigade,” Mr Ingram said.

“It’s been a steep learning curve; we started from scratch and are still building the brigade’s character.”

Mr Ingram has already completed several accredited courses with CFA, from crew leader to four-wheel driving.

He said he was eager to take on the next course with not only both hands but his head as well.

Mr Ferguson said it was important to build a network of current and future leaders who were confident not only as leaders but in themselves as individuals.

“By understanding our values we can lead ethically and with forethought, respect and humility,” Mr Ferguson said.

“It’s about being the best we can be.”