Melton city grants program gets big thumbs up

Myanmar refugees, children with autism and a model aircraft association are just three of 26 groups that will share in more than $167,500 under Melton council’s community grants program.

The Melton Chin community strengthening project and the Linking Melton South project each received $10,000, while a social skills group for autistic children was awarded $5193.

All three projects are run by Djerriwarrh Health Services whose chief executive Bruce Marshall welcomed the “strong recognition” of health care initiatives.

“[This] support will allow further health- related program development for our local community,” Mr Marshall said.

He said the term Chin referred to an ethnic minority group in Myanmar, many of whom fled as refugees and now call Melton home.

“The funding will be used to implement community-driven projects that help Chin community members celebrate their culture and become proud, active members of Melton,” he said.

“One such project includes assisting families to access sport opportunities.”

The social skills group for children with autism is a pilot project for children between eight and 12.

“It will trial a multi-component social skills intervention designed to improve the emotional understanding and social skills of selected children with autism spectrum disorder,” Mr Marshall said.

Melton Model Aircraft Association president David Axon said his group was flattered to receive a $4000 grant.

The group, which has about 75 members, will use the funds to complete a shaded cover area at its Mount Cottrell ground.

“We’ve been trying for three years to get funding, and after two years of sausage sizzles and open days, we managed to get enough money to put the structure up ourselves,” Mr Axon said.

“This $4000 will allow us to pay for the covering shade cloth … model airplanes are very low-profile and don’t command the same funding as tennis and football, so we’re really excited to have received this.”

Applications for the community benefit grants program close on July 11. More information: