RIDE TO CONQUER CANCER: A lot on Alma’s mind

Alma Nadarevic will cycle a tough 200 kilometres over two days in an emotional tribute to her mother who was diagnosed with cancer last year.

The Caroline Springs resident is taking part in this year’s Ride to Conquer Cancer to raise money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

And she says she will think not only of her mother along the way but also her beloved grandfather, who lost his battle with prostate cancer eight years ago.

Ms Nadarevic, 26, said that, like most families, hers had been hit by cancer and she had felt the very real effects of how it could turn lives upside down.

Before her mother was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, her cousin’s wife battled and beat breast cancer.

Ms Nadarevic said that after going to countless doctors’ visits with her mother and hearing positive prognosis after positive prognosis, she began to think of all of the families dealing with a prognosis that left them with a very slim chance of survival.

“Every time we went for a scan and treatment we heard good news . . . and then I thought of all those people hearing bad news all the time and realised that one of the reasons people were facing a poor prognosis was lack of funding,” Ms Nadarevic told Star Weekly. “It really opened my eyes.”

She said the ride on October 25-26 would be a way to vent her frustration at seeing her loved ones so ill, while it would also reward her with a chance to raise much-needed funds for a great cause.

“Anybody can do it,” she said. “It’s amazing reading and hearing about everyone’s story and to see all the different people competing.

I’m pushing the boundaries with three days of training a week, but it’s worth it.”

Ms Nadarevic has already beaten her initial target of $2500 and now hopes to hit $3000.