Rat poison link to dead and ill horses in Bacchus Marsh

Police are investigating the suspected poisoning of two horses in Bacchus Marsh.

One of the horses died in June and the other is being treated by vets after apparently eating rat poison at his agistment last week.

Kaylee, owner of the second horse, said she was scared and worried

“I just can’t believe somebody has done this,” she said. “My horse is 19 years old and he doesn’t deserve this.”

Kaylee said she realised her horse, Grumpy, had been feeling “spooked” around people for the past few weeks, but at first she wasn’t suspicious.

She said she found two baskets in the paddock recently, one containing sugar cubes, apples, chaff and Ratsak.

The other, already eaten by Grumpy, was empty.

“It’s the first time this has happened but, in saying that, I do think it’s an ongoing thing,” Kaylee said.

“My horse hasn’t been right for weeks now.” She also said letters were left at the property saying: “Stop this white kids hobby, you rich little c****.”

Kaylee said she did not understand the attack on the defenceless horses and warned others to be cautious.

“I want to make people aware of it, so there might be less of a chance of it happening again,” she said.

Grumpy has since been removed from the agistment property and his health has improved. The latest attack follows an investigation into the death of another horse.

Owner Tracy said her horse died at the end of June this year and she was concerned for the safety of other animals in the area.

“My horse was murdered,” she said.

“It was brutal how he died, and it was done deliberately.”

Police investigating the incidents do not believe they are connected.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.