Nursing mothers linking up across Moorabool

Moorabool group member Cindy, with her 18-month-old daughter. Photo: Wayne Hawkins

With the launch of a new social media group, mothers in Moorabool have a new place to connect and find information about breastfeeding.

Moorabool for Mothers Inc has launched a new Facebook page – the Breastfeeding in Moorabool Group – to provide a place for the community to share, discuss the subject of breastfeeding and raise awareness of its importance.

Website editor Nichole Russell hopes more people will join the page and add to the conversations.

“It’s quick and easy for people to get onto Facebook and find out what’s available and to be able to share their stories,” she said.

Ms Russell said the launch of the group page was important for Moorabool because the breastfeeding rate in the shire was lower than the state average.

“The idea is that breastfeeding is a natural thing to do,” she said.

“But it’s also something that doesn’t come naturally to everybody. It’s often a learned experience and if people don’t have friends and family to support them or share their experiences they need to look elsewhere because it’s beneficial for mothers and babies.”

The group is open to anyone, from mothers, family members and friends who are supporting a breastfeeding mother, to health professionals who want to find out information or share information with the group.

For information on services available around Moorabool, visit the Moorabool for Mothers Inc page, where you can also sign up to the newsletter and find the link to the new Facebook page