A famine of Facebook in Bacchus Marsh

Students and staff at Bacchus Marsh College are preparing to do without important aspects of their lives as part of this year’s 40 Hour Famine.

Food and Facebook are among the many things students will give up for 40 hours on the weekend of August 15-17 to help fight poverty.

Students and staff who take up the challenge will put poverty in the spotlight by raising awareness and funds to help World Vision’s work in communities around the world.

Student programs co-ordinator Sonia Reid said students liked to challenge themselves by choosing to give up technology, often choosing not to use their phones or social media.

This is the third year the school will take part in the event and it’s aiming to raise $5000 for the cause.

Following World Vision’s Global Leader Conventions, which were hosted in each state, Ms Reid and student leaders are encouraging students and teachers to sign up for the famine or sponsor someone who has.

“Our job is to encourage as many people to join the 40 Hour Famine as we can,” Ms Reid said.

“The kids have made posters and published articles in the newsletter, and teachers and students have spoken at assemblies.”

The focus country of the 40 Hour Famine this year is Rwanda.

To register for the 40 Hour Famine, to support someone or for more information, visit www.40hourfamine.com.au; or to support the school, call 5367 2955.

Yasemin Talat