Marsh mum’s top recipe

By Natalie Gallenti-Brekalo

A Bacchus Marsh entrepreneur has been recognised for her creative talent and business nous.

Carlie Taylor, a mother of two and founder
of CJ Sweet Treats – a thriving cake-making and decorating business – has been nominated for the 2014 AusMumpreneur Awards.

Designed to recognise mums achieving outstanding success in areas such as business, product development, services and innovation, the awards celebrate the growing number of women who successfully balance motherhood and business in a way that suits them and their families.

Ms Taylor said balancing home life and a career was a constant juggling act that had been made easier by the fact that she could work from home.

“While helping to support my family financially and satisfying my need to be creative, I am still at home with my children,” she said.

“I’m still able to do school drop-offs and pick-ups.”

So popular are her cakes that she is booked out until March next year.

“If you had told me a year or two ago that the business would be so successful, I would have laughed,” she said.

Ms Taylor admits life as a mother and businesswoman can be challenging at times.

“Your own business can take up so much of your time, but you need to remember why you started it in the first place – to be at home with and support your children.”

Finalists will be decided by a public vote at

Voting closes on Monday, October 6.