All hands to the mural at St Dominic’s school

The pupils of St Dominic’s school in Melton painted hundreds of unwanted CDs to create a mural for the school yard.

The pupils formed a ‘special projects group’ to organise the mural and their hard work over a year reached its climax last week when the mural was officially unveiled at the school’s art exhibition.

The idea was inspired by murals in other schools across Victoria.

“The focus of the [special project] group was visual arts, so each week this group of students worked on a variety of creative endeavours,” visual arts teacher Lisa Schubert said.

“All the children painted a CD and they now form a special part of our completed mural.”

Ms Schubert said the whole school contributed to the mural, which had added colour and interest to the playground.

Bunnings Melton and the wider school community also showed their support by helping supply materials and donating unwanted CDs.

“The advantage of completing a mural such as this is that it draws everyone together and builds a sense of spirit and pride amongst the community,” school principal Brett Collison said.

“The mural highlights the things that are most important to each individual student and, collectively, it provides a powerful narrative.”

The special projects group was formed by students Amy, Ayla, Amelia, Bishoy, Malia, Cecilia, Dillon, Jaspa, Chelsea, Raphael, Nevaan, Nyicuor, Sofia, Renae and Tara.