Nationals’ MP hopeful hits Ballan township

The Nationals candidate for Buninyong, Sonia Smith, is taking politics to the people by setting up a campaign office in Moorabool.

The lawyer and new mum will be in the Ballan Hotel building every Monday from 11am to welcome residents dropping in to discuss local issues.

“Public transport, roads and physical access to services are huge issues for locals – so instead of having them struggle to get into Ballarat [near her office] to see me, it’s only fair that I go out to them,” Ms Smith said.

“I want to send a signal that every part of the Buninyong electorate matters.”

Ms Smith said the campaign office – the first of its kind in the region – had been an “overwhelming success” since its opening on August 24.

“People have been coming by just to say I have their support and donating things in kind,” she said. “It’s been amazing and I’m so grateful.”

A Ballan resident, who asked not to be named, said he applauded her initiative.

“I wish they would all do this because I think this is how locals can have input into the political process,” he said.

“She’s not elected as yet and she’s going above and beyond, which is commendable.”

Ballan resident Pam Walton said employment and public transport needed improvement in Moorabool.

“I think it’s important we discuss jobs for both young and old in the area,” Mrs Walton said.

“I think employment prospects need to be improved for Ballan and nearby, and I think a few extra buses would also help the town, too.

“To have one car for a family in Ballan would be very hard.” Mrs Walton said the train service in Ballan had improved in the past few years.

Ms Smith says that, if elected on November 29, she plans to formalise a permanent part-time office in Ballan.

She is running against sitting Ballarat East Labor MP Geoff Howard and Liberal candidate Ben Taylor.