COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Melton and Moorabool

Shooting stars

Bacchus Marsh Basketball Association is encouraging more women to take up the sport. If you are interested in playing with a team or simply want to learn some new skills, contact the BMBA.

■ 0430 811 919

Family violence forum

Members of the public can ask questions and gain an insight into family violence during a forum at Melton library on September 23. Experts from Melton police’s domestic violence unit, the Brimbank-Melton Community Legal Centre and Women’s Health West will be present. The forum starts at 6pm.

■ 9743 9825

Learn something new

Melton South Community Centre is offering classes in beauty, candle-making, sweet pastry tarts, cake decorating, anaphylaxis and asthma treatment.

■ 9747 8576

School fete

Coburn Primary School will hold a fete on Friday, October 17. Stall bookings are still being taken.

■ 9971 2900

Badminton fun

Are you looking for a fun, indoor sporting challenge on a weekend? Join the Bacchus Marsh badminton group on Sundays from 2.30-4.30pm. or 0422 412 964

Church celebration

Myrniong Anglican Church will celebrate 150 years on November 23 with Bishop Philip Huggins officiating the service from 10am. A luncheon will follow.  Past clergy and parishioners are encouraged to attend.

■ 5368 7237