Funding for multicultural events

Galada community centre in Hume last year, photo of Sri Bashyam, Melinda Iliopoulos, Aaradhana, 10 and Paul Seidl. (Damjan Janevski) 372568_01

Multicultural Affairs Minister Ingrid Stitt has announced that grants of up to $50,000 are available through a new round of the MFE Program and Regional Multicultural Festivals and Events Fund to host festivals and events that promote and celebrate cultural diversity and foster inclusivity for all Victorians.

Applications in this round will support festivals and events held between January 1, 2025 and June 30, 2025.

Applications are now open and close on October 25, with submissions from rural and regional communities, and new and emerging communities with recent humanitarian needs prioritised.

Ms Stitt said the grants will unite the community.

“We’re continuing to back our diverse communities with funding for multicultural events and festivals – bringing Victorians together to share their traditions and celebrations across the state,” she said.

“This latest round of multicultural festivals and events funding will support events right across Victoria, including in rural and regional parts of the state, bringing communities together to celebrate the cultural diversity we have right here in Victoria.”

For more information or to submit an application, visit