Elaine oval name to remain


The name of Elaine Recreation Reserve will remain unchanged.

It comes after Moorabool council concluded that the community was opposed to the renaming in a meeting on September 4.

Results from a survey, as part of a consultation process, indicated 82 per cent of community members were against the renaming of Elaine Recreation Reserve to Ron Read Recreation Reserve.

During the 30 day consultation period, 312 submissions were received.

This was made up of 56 supporters and 255 objectors.

As reported by Star Weekly, council had deferred making a decision on renaming the oval in honour of the former chairperson on July 3.

Now, the matter has been put to bed for good.

There was fierce and vocal opposition to the proposal, which culminated in a petition to keep the original name of the oval.

The petition, led by Elaine Cricket Club secretary Shane Dunne, received more than 110 signatures.

From the community submissions, there was one objection to this petition rather than the renaming.

At the time, Mr Dunne said the sentiments were so strong that locals would protest the decision if it didn’t go their way.

“If this happens to go ahead there will be a mass protest at the opening. We are just not happy with this at all,” he said.