Vocational education a ‘game-changer’


National Skills Week, from August 19-25, will encourage all Australians to discover how Vocational Education and Training (VET) can be the ultimate game-changer in their own or their families’ careers and lives as well as highlight the game-changing impact skills has on Australia’s future and economy.

The week will highlight the significant contributions of women in trades, the importance of Indigenous workforce participation, and the need for accessibility in remote areas. It will also highlight the most in-demand, highest growth industry sectors and sub-sectors such as manufacturing and digital skills as well as address skills shortages across a myriad of sectors.

Supported by the federal government, National Skills Week 2024 aims to celebrate the success stories and demonstrate how others can transform their lives by listening to those who have done it.

National Skills Week chair Brian Wexham emphasised the importance of changing the perception of VET in Australia to highlight its benefits and address skill shortages.

“We want to showcase that Vocational Education and Training has transformed lives in various aspects: career, money, community, climate, global, technology, health, mindset, personal development and more.

“Choosing Vocational Education and Skills Training can be the ultimate game-changer in a person’s career and life—igniting paths to personal and professional success and giving them the competitive edge with skills and confidence to thrive.

“By promoting future careers, highlighting skills shortages, and identifying emerging trends in Australia and the global economy, VET can deliver the skills needed in the country to boost Australia’s workforce in the coming years.

“Apprenticeships are a cornerstone of the VET sector, and a high-quality apprenticeship pathway will continue to be critical to ensuring that Australia is able to respond to emerging skills needs and increasingly dynamic labour markets.”

Details: nationalskillsweek.com.au