Recycling to raise funds

SES Melton volunteers Claudelle Dalgleish, Peter Swann, Louise Sanders and Ashley Newton. (Damjan Janevski) 424111_03

The Melton State Emergency Service (SES) unit is raising money to replace its general rescue vehicle with the help of local recyclers.

A new reverse vending machine at 535 High Street gives residents the option to donate the refunds they make on recyclable items like cans and bottles.

The unit needs a new Iveco Daily 50C21 Dual Cab – after being specifically fit out with rescue equipment, the cost comes to about $210,000.

Claudelle Dalgleish has volunteered with the Melton SES unit for 23 years.

She said the community has the opportunity to invest in their future safety by helping to replace the “aging” and “outdated” truck.

“By supporting us, in turn we can support the community in a time of need,” she said.

“Hopefully our community will get behind us and support us in replacing this truck.”

Since August 9 2023, Melton SES crews have responded to 530 requests for assistance (RFAs), making them one of the top 20 busiest units in Victoria.

Ms Dalgleish said having a new vehicle that was responsive and functioning would be ideal for when the call outs pick up in the summer months.

“Everything counts for us … December and January are so busy for us and while the vehicle works, it’s so old and takes a long time to turn over [the engine],” she said.

Fundraising efforts are not limited to the Container Deposit Machine and the unit is on the lookout for help from anywhere they can find it, said Ms Dalgleish.

“We are going to do a few tin rattles as well… any bit of money is greatly appreciated.”

“It’d be nice if there is a company that would like to donate towards getting the truck, that would be absolutely amazing.”

Eddie Russell