Station petition gathers steam

Petition leader Manish Baisoya and his daughter Vaanya, 3. (Damjan Janevski). 418325_02

Eddie Russell

More than 2300 people have signed a petition calling for a train station to be built in Mt Atkinson.

The petition, which will be tabled in state Parliament and is sponsored by Kororoit MP Luba Grigorovitch, calls on the state government to plan and deliver Mt Atkinson station.

The station would service at least 12,000 locals in Mt Atkinson, Fraser Rise, Deanside, and Grandview, according to the petition.

Pettion leader Manish Baisoya said Mt Atkinson residents’ dependance on motor vehicles for transport was becoming a serious issue.

“Sometimes we feel like we are trapped on an island because we can’t get out when there are accidents on the Western Freeway,” he said.

Future activity in Mt Atkinson, including a planned town centre and hotel, will only exacerbate the traffic, Mr Baisoya said.

He said the train station would help locals access work.

Last week, the West of Melbourne Economic Development Alliance (WoMEDA) released its half yearly economic update, which revealed Melton had a high number of workers who were forced to leave the municipality for work.

Mr Baisoya said the station would also improve access to the Sri Durga Temple in Deanside, one of the largest Hindu temples in Australia.

He said the station would make life easier for the thousands who travel out to attend festivities at the temple.

“In terms of beneficiaries, it’s not just residents but visitors too,” he said.

“In the festive season there might be 10,000 people visiting … but they drive because it’s the only option they have.”

Mt Atkinson resident Farhan Khan is a strong supporter of the petition.

He travels to the city three days a week to work, a commute many others in the area are forced to make.

Mr Khan said young professionals were “struggling” to pay for petrol so frequently.

“Using your car every day… is really expensive and not the way to go on,” he said.

“Most of us need public transport… but I need to drive for 20 minutes to get a train or bus.”

As reported by the Star Weekly, car parks at nearby stations in Caroline Springs and Rockbank are at capacity as early as 7am.


WoMEDA report: Page 3