Energy efficiency the priority for builds


Training for the construction industry to design and build energy efficient 7-star rated and all-electric homes has been bolstered across the state, including in Melton and Moorabool, ensuring Victoria’s workforce has the right skills to build the homes of the future.

The program will train builders on the new National Construction Code 2022 (NCC) which came into effect on May 1, and has improved living standards – making homes more comfortable, accessible, and cheaper to heat and cool.

The Home Efficiency Construction Roadshows are being delivered by Solar Victoria in partnership with Master Builders Victoria and the Housing Industry Association at sites across Melbourne and regional Victoria, including Bendigo, Ballarat, Geelong, Shepparton, Echuca, Mildura, Albury, Bright, Mansfield and across Gippsland.

The roadshows begin this week and cover topics including passive house principles and solar design, how to avoid condensation and address air tightness, energy efficient appliances and building techniques and materials required to deliver better energy efficiency.

Another initiative, Net Zero Homes Skills Training, is available now through online training modules that cover the principles of residential energy efficiency, thermal performance, and net zero energy design and construction.

The final initiative, Efficient Home Design and Construction Training will address the key issues faced in the design and construction of energy efficient homes and will be deliver later this year through short training modules.

Demand for rooftop solar and heat pump hot water systems is increasing in Victoria – to help meet this demand now and into the future it’s important more plumbers and electricians can get qualified to undertake this work.

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