New college building

Djerriwarrh Community College principal Amy Farrell with staff Amy Abdullah, Sween Sharma, Josh Van Den Berg, Paula Reynolds, Shanida Yasmeen, Grace Myers and Marianne Santos. (Damjan Janevski) 377935_01

Djerriwarrh Community College has a new building on the way thanks to a $3 million federal grant.

Students and teachers will soon see the construction of a new school building including five general learning areas, meeting rooms, four tutorial rooms and a multipurpose outdoor court.

Djerriwarrh Community College is a school that delivers an applied learning program to meet the literacy, numeracy, work related and personal development needs of young people aged 15-19 in Melton who are unable to participate in mainstream schooling.

Djerriwarrh Community College Principal Amy Farrell said Djerriwarrh Community College staff are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of each student.

“This building will allow staff to personalise learning environments, provide therapy spaces and promote wrap

around support services,” she said.

On a visit to the school on December 5, federal Hawke MP Sam Rae said the investment would give the school the facilities it needs to make sure each student has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

“This $3 million investment will be a game-changer for local students, delivering much-needed funding for Djerriwarrh Community College to upgrade infrastructure and equipment,” he said.