Raise your hand to empower young people

Brookside College councellor Sandra Pham, assistant principal Karen Jackson, Raise mentor Rohit Sood and Raise Councellor Laura Popescu with year 8 students Emily, Maheen, Angel, Ashlee, Kayla and Ruby. (Jacob Pattison) 369815_01

Brookside College students celebrated their graduation from the 2023 Raise program on October 31, and they’re seeking volunteer mentors for 2024.

Raise is a youth mentoring program in which volunteers create a positive impact on the lives of young people by providing guidance, support and hope.

Through just a couple of hours a week mentors can make a lasting difference in the lives of the next generation, equipping them with the tools to help them

navigate life, such as how to ask for help, grow confidence and set goals.

Raise Vic and Tas Manager Michelle Tuck said Raise has supported 33 students across three years at Brookside.

“Unfortunately, over the three years we have seen a decrease in volunteers for the program,” she said.

“Our program can support 15 students from Brookside, however this year we were not able to support this many.

“No experience is required to mentor, we support local volunteers through training and provide ongoing weekly support in the form of an on-site Program Counsellor. Anyone can put their hand up to mentor for our 20 week program.”

Details: www.raise.org.au