Funding bid for Aintree open space

Melton community hall and civic centre. (Damjan Janevski) 260628_01

Liam McNally

Melton council has applied for $2 million in state government funding to fast track a $15 million open space precinct for Aintree.

The Aintree Active Open Space Precinct includes a district level playground, public toilets, a dog park, two floodlit soccer fields, a shared path network and a community sports pavilion.

The open space precinct forms part of the larger Aintree Community Hub which includes the neighbouring Aintree Children’s Community Centre and Secondary College.

Council has $13 million set aside for the project, mostly through developer contributions, and is applying for the last $2 million through the Growing Suburbs Fund.

Growing Suburbs is a $20 million state government fund that in 2023 is available for interface councils such as Melton to apply for grants of up to $2 million dollars toward projects in growth suburbs.

If the application is successful the project would need to be completed by 2027.

Aintree is now home to more than 8100 residents and it is projected to grow by almost 19,000 residents by 2041.

Councillor Justine Farrugia said early delivery of this project will play a crucial role in the formation of the relationships and community identity for those new and emerging residents.

“The development will provide a safe and welcoming space to meet and form new and lasting social connections with neighbours within walking distance of homes,” she said.

The funding bid follows a September release of an Urban Design Framework for a new major town centre in Aintree that would include a shopping centre about the size of Woodgrove.

The state government will announce the funding recipients in December.