Dance group keen to get more feet busy

BusyFeet facilitators Nilda Escalate and Kathy Hall. (Jacob Pattison) 350482_01

A Hillside dance and movement class for children with physical and intellectual disabilities is inviting new students and volunteers to come and join in the fun.

BusyFeet is a Rotary-supported program operating out of Hillside Community centre on Saturday mornings.

For a gold-coin donation kids aged six to 16 can participate in a fun and inclusive environment to try new things and build social skills, as well as giving a chance for parents’ respite.

Classes are built around modern pop music and contemporary dance, but are more about fun and peer interaction than learning dance-steps.

Committee Member Ross Butterworth said the program is run by a passionate team, and it does wonders for children and families.

“It’s very close to my heart… We’re certainly keen to grow the class, there’s opportunities for new students, families and volunteers,” he said.

“There’s quite a lot of skills for the children to learn… social skills, how to enjoy themselves in a social setting, how to communicate, follow directions.”

The group also occasionally goes on fully-funded excursions, including performing at the Rotary National Convention at Melbourne Exhibition Centre to 14,000 delegates that were “dancing in the aisles”.

Mr Butterworth said a highlight from the program was a five-day trip to Hobart to perform for a Rotary Conference.

He remembered on the last morning seeing a young non-verbal girl greet her classmate and say her name.

“It’s really emotional,” he said.

“The children develop so much, to see life changing experiences like that, it’s a privilege to be involved in it.”

To get involved in the program, contact Ross.

Details: 0411 228 311

Liam McNally