FMBG seeks funding bump

FMBG president John Bentley. (Damjan Janevski) 338671_02.

Friends of the Melton Botanic Garden (FMBG) president John Bentley is calling on council to increase the group’s funding in the 2023-24 budget.

FMBG is a volunteer organisation that has been responsible for the management, development and maintenance of the botanic garden for 20 years and has 440 members with 80 active volunteers.

Mr Bentley had made a budget submission requesting $40,000 for the group to run for the year, up from $36,000 allocated in last year’s budget.

The draft budget for 2023-24 allocated $36,000 to the group again, and at a council meeting on Monday, May 29, Mr Bentley questioned council on why the group wasn’t at least granted an increase in line with the current CPI of 7.1 per cent.

In a separate question, Mr Bentley asked how the “premier tourist attraction” FMBG looks after is funded and supported in comparison to local sporting groups.

“The friends contribute a financial value of over $500,000 each year in volunteer hours in developing, enhancing and maintaining the council owned Melton botanic gardens,” he said.

Melton council organisational performance director Peter Leerson said council has considered 29 community budget submissions.

“Whilst some organisations may receive funding in sequential years, each community submission is considered on merit annually,” he said.

“Subject to council’s decision on the draft budget this evening, there will be a 2 week period for our community to provide comment before consideration of the final budget in June.”

Melton council City Futures director Sam Romaszko said council “supports, recognises and values all groups in a variety of ways and endeavours to provide for our diverse community interests”.