Neighbourhood events

Hillside Community Centre's free group singing session for Neighbourhood House Week.

Melton celebrated Neighbourhood House Week from May 8 to 14 with multiple events at the Hillside Community Centre.

Neighbourhood House Week is an annual national celebration, recognising the important contribution over 1,000 neighbourhood houses make in local communities across Australia.

The theme for 2023, ‘Locals connecting Locals’ recognises the important role Neighbourhood Houses play in a post-lockdown environment, as Victoria aims to re-emerge and rebuild a harmonious and resilient community.

On Wednesday, May 10 Hillside Community Centre held an Open House event, with face painting, craft activities and a sausage sizzle.

Community members also got to meet staff, hear about what Hillside has to offer, and provide feedback on what they would like to see delivered at the centre.

External services such as NDIS, ParentsNext, Care Finder, My Aged Care, Foster Care and the Homeless and at Risk of Homelessness Response (HaRH) program were also there to provide information.

On Thursday, May 11, the centre also hosted a free group singing session.

Singing in a group setting improves mood and decreases stress, depression and anxiety. These effects are often attributed to the deeper breathing associated with singing that is also used in meditation.

Chris Falk, who has led group singing for wellbeing and enjoyment for many years, delivered her easy, inclusive style that drew the crowd in to sing their heart out.

Melton Cr Lara Carli said Neighbourhood Houses “welcome everyone from all ages and walks of life and bring them together to connect, socialise, and learn”.

“We’re proud to celebrate Neighbourhood House Week and the work they do to promote community wellbeing and connection,” she said.