St Anthonys’ call to arms


Tara Murray

St Anthonys has put out a call to arms to ensure the club’s future in the Gisborne and District Cricket Association.

St Anthonys secretary and life member Gavin Olinowski posted a message on the club’s social media, calling for help to get the club back to where it once was.

“The last few years have not been kind to us,” he said. “Off the field financially, committee numbers, volunteers, and also on the field with playing numbers.

“COVID, lack of sponsorship, a large reduction in playing memberships and social events have brought our club finances into dire straits at the end of this current season.

“Whilst we maintained similar playing numbers for the past two seasons in both seniors and juniors, there is always a need to bolster these numbers moving forward.”

Olinowski said there had been very little support at a committee and volunteer level which has left too much to be done by too few, for far too long.

He said it had now caused “burn out” for these people.

“There is constant speculation and rumour of people wanting to take on committee roles and lead the club in a new direction with different ideas and enthusiasm,” he said.

“Now is the time for these people to step up, gather your troops, and follow through.

“It is also a time for anyone who is interested and has the passion and love for the club to strongly consider joining the committee and/or being involved at the club.

“We also would really love and appreciate prospective businesses and sponsors jumping onboard to help provide much needed support financially to the club.”

Olinowski said they know it is a difficult job ahead. He and current president Julie Burfurd will be stepping down from their positions at the annual general meeting in May.

He said they are both willing to help or advise their replacements, if required.

“It is absolutely vital that we have some new people, voices, perspectives join the committee for this upcoming season (and beyond),” he said.

We have a proud history, and have come back from even more dire situations before, and hopefully this message here will inspire those who want to help, to do so and get St Anthonys Cricket Club back to the heights it belongs.”