Ballan gathers to remember

Ballan's Anzac Day March. (Liam McNally) 331763_01

Liam McNally

Ballan’s Anzac Day service on Tuesday, April 25 began with a Dawn Service in Mclean Park from 6am, followed by a Gunfire Breakfast, and in the afternoon a March from the Ballan RSL to the local Cenotaph for an afternoon service.

At 1pm on the sunny Autumn day attendees lined the sides of Inglis Street as Ballan RSL members, veterans and representatives from government marched to the afternoon service.

The service gave special recognition to the 70th anniversary of the Korean war cease fire, 60th anniversary of the beginning of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam war, and the 50th anniversary of the war’s end, for which Vietnam veteran Rod Edward spoke on his experience.

The Ballan service also had a theme of animals in service, and students from Myrniong Primary school gave a presentation on the role of animals in the Australian Defence Force.

Ballan RSL president Pippa Morris addressed the gathered crowd and said it was “wonderful” to see so many people present to “remember the more than 103,000 military personnel who have lost their lives defending Australia.”

“The spirit of the Anzacs is here with us today, here in the central highlands. The veterans here are clothed in it, as too are the families and communities which nurture them,” she said.

“Those who put on the uniform today do so with the knowledge that the spirit of the Anzacs is woven in every thread of that uniform. In every button, every badge, and every insignia and they’re proud to wear it.

“The mantle may have passed, the uniform may have evolved, but I would imagine that those who originally forged the Anzac spirit would smile on their military personnel today and be assured that their legacy is in capable and secure hands.”

“I for one am proud to have served alongside men and women who have embodied the spirit of the Anzacs. It’s also my privilege that as a member of the RSL I continue to rub shoulders with these men and women.”