Centrals surprise Rams

It was a battle under the ring for Melton Centrals. (Jacob Pattison)326148_07

Tara Murray

Melton Centrals held their nerve to get an opening round win against the Western Rams in the Riddell District Netball League on Saturday.

Centrals entered the match as underdogs with the Rams, but it didn’t stop the young side stepping up.

The two teams went goal for goal early, before Centrals broke out to a five goal lead. The Rams kept the pressure on in the second half, with both teams going on runs.

The defenders were on top for both sides, with plenty of turnovers throughout the match.

The Rams managed to take the lead in the final quarter, before Centrals settled enough to get a 45-43 win.

Centrals coach Randy Pereira was thrilled with the result.

“They have the two Tongan internationals and they picked by some players who have come back like DJ [Danni Jane Umaki],” he said.

“I think everyone thought that we would probably get smashed today, even the B-grade game, what a nail biter.

“I’m really pleased for the girls, they worked hard.”

With the Centrals bench only players who had previously played in the B-grade match, Centrals ran the same seven throughout, while the Rams made changes both in the midcourt and defence.

Pereira said he was a little bit concerned about whether they would have the legs to run the game out.

“Credit to the girls, they did a sensational job, I was just there [watching] and they did what they needed to do.

“I was a bit worried, I had fresh players there on the bench that were b-grade players that had already played,

“I was hoping the girls would get through and they did, I think they got in front in the last quarter by a goal, got it back again, good testament to their strength and mind and willingness to work.”

The Centrals defenders Romina Barbuto and Hayley Hill did a mountain of work getting ball back, while Emma Winzar and Avana Hobson provided targets in the goaling circle.”

Hobson scored 27 goals for Centrals in the win.

Pereira said after having an interrupted pre-season which included losing co-coach Doug Mitchell, it was good to start that way.

“Especially to beat a team that are likely contenders,” he said. “Netball is a funny game and I put up a post on our Facebook page, it doesn’t matter how good the other teams are, ply as a team you will also win.

“And they did that, they used each other well and yes they made some mistakes which allowed them back in again, but they worked hard to get some ball back again.”

Centrals line up this season will again be a young one. Pereira said they were focused on continuing on that journey.

“I want to keep giving the kids a go,” he said. “They’re improving every year. The first year they won two games, last year they won five games, we keep battling on.”