Harmony day at Diggers Rest Primary School

Belle, Jade, Hope, Belle, Ayush, Harlyn and Sofia celebrate Harmony day at Diggers Rest Primary School (Damjan Janevski). 324876_06

Zoe Moffatt

Students and staff at Diggers Rest Primary School celebrated Harmony Day by immersing themselves in cooking and dancing, in a sea of orange.

The school celebrated different cultures on Tuesday, March 21 by combining activities from different countries.

The school’s Italian teacher, Melissa Legudi said they encouraged pupils and teachers to wear clothes from their culture for the day, or dress up in orange which signifies harmony.

“I thought I would combine harmony day and the different cultures,” Ms Legudi said.

“We have roughly 16 different counties where our families have migrated from.

“It’s the first year we had whole school activities … the kids [were] so excited and we [had] so many positive comments.”

To celebrate the day Ms Legudi said the children participated in activities including dancing, drawing Indian rangoli and mandala, and looking at the story of the Rainbow Serpent.

“[We had] belly dancing, African dancing, Bollywood dancing and Aboriginal dancing,” she said.

“The kids also used paper plates [for] making their own elephants to go with a story.”

“I organised a special lunch [which included] naan bread, chicken, garlic bread and spaghetti.”

Ms Legudi said she is looking towards the next harmony day and what they can do to celebrate.

“I’d love to get the community involved [and] … get some food trucks in the future.”

“There are about 465 kids at the school … we’re a small community but everyone goes all in, we’re a family, we all help each other.”