Jobs for Ravenhall


A new $14.9 million major commercial laboratory and research and development centre in Ravenhall will create more than 200 new local jobs.

Parliamentary Secretary for Jobs Bronwyn Halfpenny officially opened Symbio Laboratories’ new facility in Ravenhall on Thursday.

The dedicated R&D centre will provide patients with more responsive and accurate test results for natural contaminants in food and molecular biology diagnostic tests for conditions such as early cancer detection and COVID-19.

The project local jobs including scientists, laboratory technicians and information technology specialists.

Symbio Laboratories will also create career opportunities for graduates by partnering with local universities and TAFEs. These partnerships, including practical placements, graduate recruitment and 15 internships offered per year will contribute to upskilling and advancing Victoria’s future workforce.

Ms Halfpenny said the support for Symbio is an example of how they’re backing industry to power Victoria’s economy by creating jobs of the future.

Kororoit MP Luba Grigorovitch said Symbio’s state-of-the-art facility will enable more health and food laboratory testing to be conducted locally, increasing the ability to protect patients and consumers.

Symbio Laboratories chief executive officer Bruce Chen said they are committed to staying at the forefront of technology and innovation, and this new, world-class facility will allow them to do just that.