Speeding driver’s vehicle impounded in Mount Cottrell

(Police Media)

Police impounded a speeding driver’s vehicle in Mount Cottrell Friday, March 10.

Officers clocked a Holden sedan allegedly travelling at 162km/h in a 80km/h zone on the Mount Cottrell Road.

Police said that as officers were catching up to intercept the vehicle, they saw the driver throw a stubby can out the window.

Police spoke to the driver, a 61-year-old man, who admitted he threw the stubby as he didn’t want police to see it.

The man blew under the limit on a preliminary breath test.

The Albion man is expected to be charged on summons with driving offences and unlawfully depositing litter.

His vehicle has been impounded for 30 days with towing costs of $995.

The intercept was part of Operation Arid, aiming to reduce road trauma and lives lost on our roads over the Labour Day long weekend.